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F A Q' s 


1. What is SEITAI ?

SEITAI is the most well known holistic treatment in Japan. 

It is focus on the CAUSES of your pain, not on your symptoms.

SEITAI therapists don’t need to be certified but we have to study and work with a teacher and mentor for few years instead.  

So it is more practical and effective for checking and correcting your body balance and for fixing the cause of your pain.

more info:

2. How long do I need your treatment? / How many session do i need?

It depends on how severe your symptom is.  

If you have had your symptoms for a long time, your brain already remember them.

We will basically recommended 5sessions to update your brain.    

My treatment lead your body and mind towards the correct way so if you have strong cleansing reaction after 1 and 2 sessions, you might need more than 5sessions.

3. What is cleansing reaction ?

This is the reflection and reaction of your body to detox.

You might feel drowsy, dizzy, dull, heavy, or pain more than before.

But you will definitely feel transformed after few sessions.

4. Can you fix my problems?

To be honest, I don’t know without checking your body however most problems are the sign of some disorder.   Please come and try to find the causes within a few sessions.

5. Do you do home visit? 

Sorry I don’t do home visit currently.

For very serious situation I might be able to visit.  Please call and tell me how serious your situation is.

6. My stomach is rumbling during treatment. Is this normal?

Don't be ashamed.   Many reactions might be happening.  

Rumbling in your stomach is as an indication that  your organs are going back to the correct position which means your organs are now working well.   

7. Cleansing reactions after treatment?

Yes. Cleansing reaction may occur.(please check Q3)

8. Can I use private health insurance like HCF?

​Yes.   All the private health insurance are available.  

​I will give you a receipt, simply go to their website or shop/store and make a claim.

9. Why do you recommend a few visits? 

Your body and brain already remember your bad posture.  

​Like riding bicycle, your body still remember even if the last time your last cycled was in your childhood.

​You need to update the memory of the bad habit of your daily posture. ​

It is quite easy to fix it but easy to back to bad posture again once you go back to daily life even though I have found the causes of the symptoms.  That is the reason why you need a few visits.

10. Who is coming to you? 

I mostly see the people who had visited many types of treatments and almost give up hope for getting fixed.

I see a wide range of ages from 5 to over 82.    I also see disabled people.   

11. Is SEITAI good for Pregnancy? 


​12. More super therapists in Japan? 

Yes , there are many.   Here is the list of therapists I recommend. 

富山 南整体院 


東京 世田谷区 はなまる鍼灸接骨院

中野院長 or CEO  KEN 

東京 あいえす整骨院


新潟 あさの接骨院


神奈川 回復整体ひまわり


神奈川 治し屋 特殊整体 中村整体院


埼玉 みどり整骨院




福岡 しばた整骨院




横浜 あすなろ接骨院 



京都  平井整骨院


鹿児島  よしどめ治療院




SEITAI Treatment


Initial session 60mins

(Inc, consultation)



 30mins / $60

 45mins / $90

 60minis / $110


about TENRYOJUTSU click to here

In the clinic  

30mins    $50~

45mins    $100~

60mins    $120~

Zoom, Messenger, 

Whatsapp or any video call


30mins    $30~

45mins    $50~

60mins    $70~

 Remedial Oil massage

(only in Haymarket)

(Inc, consultation)

30mins    $60

45mins    $90

 60mins    $110

 90mins    $150


Booking only 

        Rebate available 



Location 1 

Welcome both walk in and Appointments






alpha remedial massage clinic


793 George street, Haymarket  

Tuesday ~ Thursday & Saturday, Sunday

10:00 ~ 20:00

Location 2

Booking only

79A Grandview street Pymble  (above café)

 8:00 ~ 20:00

Only Fridays

​​last appointment: 18:30


Click here ⬆️⬆️

 "How to get Pymble clinic"


 0402 922 505

  SMS to make an appointment

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